Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Drinking Coffee in the Lounge

Good morning from Newark, NJ!  I am sitting in our crew lounge waaaaay too early for my 1:15 sign-in, but these are the things I have to do as a commuter.  Have I mentioned that commuting sucks?  I really need to find a crash pad.  For those of you not familiar with airline industry jargon, a crash pad is basically an apartment where a whole bunch of flight attendants sleep.  The majority of them have at least 3 to 4 people in each bedroom, up to 6 to 8 if there are bunk beds.  Some of them are run so that you have the same bunk every night.  Some of them are called "hot beds" and you just take whatever bed is open.  Dedicated beds are more expensive, but you're not having to bring your own bed linens and you have YOUR bed and no one else sleeps in it.  I was hoping to have mostly commutable trips, and I'm getting trips that are commutable on the front end, but nothing that is commutable on the back end.  So I end up having to stay in the New York area for an extra night.  Lame.

We're only 11 days out from the wedding.  I don't think I feel stressed, but I keep getting a twitch in the muscle under my left eye, which makes me think I'm just not acknowledging the stress.  I'm trying VERY hard to not stress eat.  In fact, I'm on a kind of pre-wedding diet.  But man, I hate that word.  Diet.  Basically, I'm trying to avoid overprocessed food and simple carbs.  I'm trying to eat lots of salad and lots of protein and drink lots of water.  I don't need to lose any weight to fit in the dress, but I just want to make sure I look amazing.  I also need to do a lot of push-ups, haha.

The Mister & I have been half-assedly whitening our teeth over the last month.  My teeth tend toward the sensitive side, so I haven't been putting the strips on every night and I haven't put them on in a few days actually.  But I've definitely noticed a difference.  Which is good because I've found and fallen in love with a ridiculously bright pink lipstick that I want to wear for the wedding, which would mean rethinking the overall make-up look.  We'll see.  I'm testing it out over this three days trip to make sure I like it.

That's about all that's going on around here.

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