Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Well, it's been almost a month since the fire.  I realized this the other day because I was supposed to do my annual re-qualification training for work on the day of the fire last month.  I've been rescheduled for my training on the 9th of April, exactly a month later.  I would prefer to put it off for longer, and especially for NOT on the one-month anniversary of the fire, but I will have to call my manager about that.  We'll see.

I am completely moved to Virginia (I only had about 200 pounds to move anyway) and I've been added to the Mister's lease, so we are official.  I don't have a dresser yet though, so I am living out of suitcases and we don't have enough shelf space for me to put up the decorative things I salvaged from my apartment.  We're working on it, but it's slow-going because the Mister works during the day all week and last weekend we went to Tennessee to participate in a HUGE surprise party for my mom's birthday.  Talk about a success!  She had no idea and the look on her face when she walked in the room and we all shouted "Surprise!" was incredible.  My sister did most of the planning, so big props to her for putting it all together!  Lots of people took photos, so once I get my hands on those, I will post them here.  The theme was "Casino Night" and I found a gold lame' pleated tank top at H&M and a white blazer from Forever21 that I wore with a pair of dark denim jeans and some platform sandals.  Very Vegas, if I may say so myself!

And on that note, I still don't have a camera.  Part of me thinks I should just go with another point-and-shoot and then a part of me really really wants to get a DSLR.  I did a lot more with SLRs in college and I LOVED playing around with all the settings and having control over everything, but DSLRs are expensive and I am weird about spending money sometimes.  I'm not going to become a professional by any means, but it would be nice to be able to take really great photos.  I went with a point-and-shoot before because, besides being cheaper, it was also more portable.  I'm not so worried about that now because the camera on my phone is adequate for any out-and-about photos I may want to take.  Do any of you have fancy cameras?  Any suggestions?

I am working on writing up my experience of the fire, but it's hard.  I've told the story to people countless times, but sometimes it is difficult to write something the way I tell it.  But I'll have it up soon.

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