So, it's been almost a month since I last updated. Whoops. I certainly didn't intend to go that long between posting. To be honest, I go around most days composing mental blog posts, but then I never seem to get around to actually updating. I've been in Minneapolis for the last two weeks, flying my bum off and then coming back to my crash pad to sleep. I forgot to bring my camera and I haven't had too many awesome layovers anyway, but still. I could blame the upheaval of my life after the fire, but I'm kind of tired of using that as a crutch. That said, these last few weeks have been really hard for me. I think the shock has finally worn off and I'm realizing the total impact of the fire. I've been starting to miss things I had to leave behind. I've cried three or four times at work, telling people about the fire. I've been homesick for a home I don't have anymore.
In the last few weeks, I've had two days off and I spent both days meeting friends downtown for lunch. And while I was super excited to see both of these people, being downtown and NOT walking back to my little neighborhood felt awkward and wrong. I miss all my little shopping haunts and my downtown Target and Loring Park. I forgot how I used to sometimes just leave the house in the late morning and just wander around until it was time to buy something to make for dinner. Just walking and people watching and enjoying the weather. I MISS that.

On a somewhat less emotional note, I've been making some other changes in my life. Before the fire, I had made a commitment and had been working out every other day for nine weeks. After the fire, that all kind of went to hell. Along with any semblance I had of moderation in eating. I would randomly eat things all day when I was home in Virginia and I would constantly snack during flights. The culmination of this was weighing in at 5 pounds over my original weight loss goal from two years ago. Now, that may not seem like a lot, but I had actually been ten pounds UNDER that goal for quite some time now. Which means I gained 15 pounds. And all the clothes I had had to buy? They weren't fitting so great anymore. So in addition to not having a lot to wear in the first place, now I had limited myself even more by not fitting into what I had. Something had to give.
What worked for me the first time around was keeping track of everything I ate. So, I downloaded MyFitnessPal onto my FancyPants phone and I've been tracking for almost three weeks now. I don't have a scale here in Minneapolis, so I'm not sure of my progress, but just going by how things fit, I think I've made an improvement. My goal in this is to lose twenty pounds by my birthday, which is Halloween. My dress should come in sometime in October or November, so that works out well as far as my first fitting will go. It was tough at first, keeping under my calorie goal, but as time has gone by, it has gotten easier. I've gotten better about not just randomly snacking, but I don't really deny myself too much. That's the key for me, really.