So, I bought a new blouse that I am absolutely in love with. To the point where I may or may not have worn it three times this weekend. Including wearing it for like 24 hours and SLEEPING in it. The sleeping in it part was not intentional.

One of the best perks of my job is that I fly for free. This makes being in a long distance relationship with the mister possible. Now, when I travel, I'm considered a non-revenue passenger. And I only get on flights if there are no revenue passengers wanting to sit in those seats. We have a system where I can look up flights, see how many seats are currently available for non-revs and look at the non-rev stand-by list. I tend to be a cautious traveler because I don't like being stuck places. However, getting in & out of Virginia lately has been a real bitch. I guess it's Spring Break travel time? I don't know. All I know is that the flights have been oversold of late and when that happens, I ain't getting on.

Yesterday, I flew from Virginia to New York's JFK airport with no problem. I wanted to fly through JFK b/c it looked like there were about a dozen seats open on the flight. JFK is, in my opinion, a terrible airport. Or, at least, this particular terminal is. And no one wanted to be helpful. As a non-rev, I try to be accommodating and polite and I try not to hassle the gate agents, because they have their hands full with the revenue passengers. But this led to me NOT getting on a flight that I thought I was getting on, which was the last flight back to Minneapolis. No good. I tried to get on a flight to Atlanta, hoping I'd be able to make the last flight out of THERE to Minneapolis. No good. I'd checked my luggage, and it got to fly to Minneapolis without me. And I was stranded in New York. While the gate agents were not helpful AT ALL, the lovely people working at the Help Desks were fantastic. They told me I'd have better luck trying to fly out of LaGuardia the next morning, went ahead and put me on the stand-by list for the first flight out and told me the cheapest way to get from one airport to the other.

Another benefit of my job, is that New York is a base for my airline so we have a crew lounge in LaGuardia. Which is where I slept last night. Curled up across two chairs in my beloved new blouse. It was uncomfortable and I didn't sleep much, but it was worse this morning when flight attendants started showing up for work and I was still sleeping under my coat with mussed up hair and smudged eyeliner. I felt really awkward about it, but I wasn't the only one who had slept in the lounge, so that helped a little. I got onto my flight with no problem and my luggage was waiting for me in Minneapolis and I'm home now. So it all ended well after all!

And! I had a lot of time by myself at the boyfriend's apartment because he had to go back to work so I was cabbing it to the airport. And I was able to take some more interesting outfit photos, better than the old camera-in-the-mirror snaps.
It should be pretty obvious why I refer to this as my Crazy Cat Lady Blouse. I love the little cat print all over it! I also love the drapey feel of it. I definitely feel a lot freer to play with volume than I ever did when I was bigger. When I bought the blouse, I definitely had the idea of wearing it with skinny jeans, but I wanted to look a little nicer for my flights, so I opted for my charcoal tuxedo pants. They might be a little saggy around my bum, which might be something worth having a tailor fix (especially because I only paid $10 for them in the first place!) because I really like the style.
The bracelets and earrings are also recent acquisitions. I've been trying to work more on accessorizing. And I've also been trying to work gold-colored metals into my repertoire. The close-up of my face demonstrates something else I need to work on and that is wearing lipstick. I hardly ever do. I'll wear lip balm and lip gloss, but lipstick just seems so fake to me, but I think it's because I don't wear flattering shades, which is something to ELSE to work on. I am a work in progress.
Crazy Cat Lady Blouse - Nordstrom Rack; Tuxedo pants - The Gap; Black leather flats - Nine West; Bracelets & earrings - LEN