Sunday, January 2, 2011

On the Topic of Uniforms

So, speaking of creating a style blog. I took this picture on a layover because this is essentially my Layover Uniform. But then I realized that this is actually my Everyday Uniform. I wore the EXACT SAME THING yesterday to go shopping. White v-neck tshirt, long gray cardigan, scarf, skinny Express jeans from 5 years ago, and either ballet flats or black boots, depending on the weather. I honestly wear some variation of this outfit EVERY DAY. Occasionally, I do put together something like my New Year's Eve daytime outfit. But otherwise, this is my look.

Part of my dilemma is dressing for my new shape. This time last year, I was 50 pounds heavier. I had exactly one pair of jeans that sort of fit, but I hated wearing them b/c the waistband cut into my stomach and caused a muffintop. I lived in the same size 14 a-line skirt from Old Navy with an assortment of tights, tshirts & cardigans. I was trying to hide my shape, not emphasize it.

I spend enough time in a uniform. I have exactly one uniform dress that fits, so I just wash it out every night on trips. So, I wear the same thing every time I go to work. And I wear the same thing every time I don't go to work. Let's work on this, shall we?

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