Oh dear. I certainly didn't mean for my last post's title to be a harbinger of a lack of posting. But it would seem that 12 days have come and gone since I last posted. I'll go ahead & blame 5 of those days on a 5-day trip that had short-ish layovers. Long enough to get two workouts in, but not long enough to also drink coffee leisurely enough to do a Drinking Coffee in Hotel Rooms post. The rest of the days though, I'll take full responsibility for my laziness.

Speaking of working out, I heard an interesting statistic the other day that the third week in January is typically when people stop adhering to their New Year's Resolutions. Working out wasn't technically one of my resolutions, but it was secretly something I needed to get back into. After I injured myself during my half-marathon, I basically stopped exercising while I was recuperating. That was totally a good thing, but the totally NOT a good thing was that I didn't modify ANY of my eating during that time. And you know, when you are running 20-ish miles a week, you can kind of eat whatever you want. But when you are running 0-ish miles a week? Hahaha, not so much. But! I am getting that back under control. So far this year, I've managed to work out 3 times a week every week! Go me! I even bought a pretty new work-out top on sale at Old Navy to keep me motivated!
I've also been reading up a STORM. I read the entire Hunger Games trilogy in, like, four days. That's not entirely true. There was a good four or five days between the second & third books because I didn't want the story to end! So I read a few awful Janet Evanovich romance books as a sort of palate cleanser. I love checking out library books on my Nook!
As for keeping up with people...I still suck. My mom called me today and I realized I couldn't actually remember the last time she & I chatted, but it was definitely before my 5-day trip. Whoops. So yeah. That one still needs some work.
Onto today's outfit! You know, there are times in a person's life where she has no clue she even wants a pair of snakeskin-print pants until a pair are presented to her for $9. And at those times, she will think she needs two pairs. Luckily for me, my common sense prevailed and I only bought ONE pair of snakeskin-print pants for $9. They're the same type of legging jeans as my blue pants and we ALL know how much I love my blue pants. I've worn them twice and so far, I feel really good about my purchase!
Purple v-neck sweater & snakeskin-print legging jeans - Gap; Brown MIA boots - 6pm.com
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