Oh hello there. It's been a while, whoops. But! I have a sexy new digital camera and I'm planning to put it to good use taking daily outfit pics (well, at least on days when I actually wear an outfit). So let's just get that started, shall we?

It's maybe not the best shot, but the mirror in the fitting room at Forever 21 was the only full-length mirror I encountered today. Starting from the top:
Sweet Perry Ellis blazer I found at Saver's
Gray v-neck tee from Forever 21
Ruffled tier skirt from the Gap (bought on super sale!) Better picture here:

Black tights from Target
Gray Madden Girl Zoiiee boots (thanks Mom!)
And I can't forget my "It Doesn't Matter Baby" necklace from the Mister.

congratsssssssssss ur a flight attendrnt
m alos lukin frwrd to get a job in dz field