Y'all? I have a problem. Remember how I said I was going to stop bringing home pants? Well, I brought home another pair of pants. And that's not even the real problem here. The pants in question are a pair of legging jeans from Gap. THAT is the issue at hand. This is the 4th pair of Gap legging jeans I've bought in the last 4 months. Granted, they have all been different fabrics and colors, but still. It seems to be getting a little out of hand. My latest acquisition is this sweet pair of black velvet pants. I never thought I needed black velvet pants until I spied these lovelies on the sale rack for $14. And, similar to what happened with the snakeskin pants, once the possibility was presented to me, I couldn't turn them down.

My other recent addiction is Words With Friends. I avoided this game for a very long time because I hate Scrabble. When I was a kid, my family was big on board games. My mom's favorite game was always Scrabble and I hated it b/c while I can rock a crossword puzzle like nobody's business, I have a hard time coming up with words from those little tiles. But when my mom sent me a request via Facebook to play Words With Friends with her, well, it's my momma. And I love my momma. So I accepted. And now I've got simultaneous games going with her, the Mister, the Mister's mom and a work friend. So many words! And I've even won a few games!
You guys like the silly poses, yes? Because I like the silly poses. I get bored of just standing there smiling. I call this one here The Flasher.
Purple tweedy jacket & Black velvet legging jeans - Gap; YES concert tee - eBay; Pink ballet flats - Gabriella Rocha via 6pm.com
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