Hello there, lovelies! Sorry it's been a while. I've been flying like a madwoman lately & in the middle of that, I went on a little vacation with my boyfriend, the Mister! We flew from Minneapolis to Louisville, Kentucky, rented a car and spent 3 days checking out the Bourbon Trail. We visited 7 different bourbon distilleries where we got to see various parts of the bourbon-making process, learn some history and best of all, taste lots and lots of yummy bourbon! And the Mister was kind enough to snap two outfit photos for me!
This is my Traveling outfit. I am all about being comfy when I'm flying on my own time, and for me, comfy equals stretchy fabrics & lots of layers!
Pink scarf from the market in Florence, Italy
Gray cardigan from Target
Black jersey dress from Nordstrom Rack
Turquoise tights from somewhere
Black over-the-knee socks from Target
Gray Madden Girl boots which you've seen a hundred times already!
This was what I wore on our very first day. I wasn't feeling 100% (I had a bit of a cold), but what can I say? I don't even let illness keep me from trying to look cute! This was also the outfit I wore to my second day of re-current training for work. One of the other girls there complimented me saying, "Oh I could never pull that look off!" And I started wondering if, when people say that, they really mean, "Oh I would never wear that!"
Thrifted black Perry Ellis Blazer
Vintage Yes concert tshirt from eBay
Purple ruffle-tiered skirt from the Gap
Black tights from Target
Gray Madden Girl boots (again)
I know I've mentioned before my "Layover Uniform" which is skinny jeans, a v-neck tshirt (usually white) and a long cardigan. Well, I had a had a West Palm Beach layover the other day and I took a little bit of time to sit by the pool. I feel awkward just walking down to the pool in my bathing suit, so I threw on my denim mini skirt over the bottoms & ended up not actually taking it off. I sat outside for maybe 45 minutes & I've already got my first tanlines of the season! I love you Florida!
The other outfit is my warm-weather workout uniform. In addition to not blogging, I was also not working out due to aforementioned cold & vacation. But I hopped back on the horse (or in this case, the treadmill) while I was in West Palm. Maybe not the most stylish two outfit photos, but I'm trying to make up for lost time!
I haven't forgotten about shorts, but I haven't had much of a chance to do any shopping for them either. But don't worry, lovies, I have some time off coming up and I'll be sure to have a bevy of shorts pics soon!