I'm traveling today, but not for work. I've made mention before how I feel about the travel clothes of the general public. Usually I try to look a little more polished, but my flight leaves Minneapolis at 10pm and I get into Los Angeles at midnight, local time, so I'm going more for comfort. Even so, I think it's quite possible to look put together and still be comfortable for a four-hour late-night flight!

Gray drapey cardigan - Worthington (JC Penney)
White Next Level v-neck T - LEN
Joe's Jeans (the ONLY pair of premium denim I own)
Black Nine West pointed-toe flats - DSW

When I was losing weight, I said that at the end of it all, when I met my goal, I would spend the money on a pair of premium denim jeans. But when I got to that point, I realized that, hey, I'm fifty pounds lighter, but I'm still cheap as hell! Luckily, Groupon came through with a deal at Nordstrom Rack and I ended up paying $50 for a pair of $100+ jeans. They're not my usual (skinny) cut and they're the first pair of distressed jeans I've ever purchased, but they are suuuuper comfortable. I haven't worn them much this winter because I live in my boots in the winter, but now that the snow is starting to melt, I can start wearing my flats again!
I can totally relate. I've made the same resolution to purchase "premium" jeans on several occasions, only to let my inner cheapskate win out each time. Congrats on getting a deal!
Closet Confections - A Personal Style Blog