Y'all, I am finally ALL CAUGHT UP on this 30-Day Photo Challenge. Phew. I'm glad I only have 10 days left of it. I'm going to try very hard to actually just take each photo on its assigned day, instead of taking them out of order or all at once, which I've been doing. In a few months, I may even give this another go. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy being caught up!
For whatever reason, taking a simple shot of some flowers proved to be my most annoying assignment. I think part of the problem was that I didn't have my camera with me on my run the other day when I came across some gorgeous blooms and when I had my camera with me, the only flowers I came across were a bit on the boring side. At least the color is vibrant!
My Shoes
2011 will forever be known as The Year of the Purge for me. I've been tossing stuff left & right. I've donated around 300 items to friends & charity and at least 20 pairs of shoes. I've pared my wardrobe down to about 75 items and I've got about 20 pairs of shoes remaining. I posted a picture of the surviving shoes on Facebook and in doing so, noticed that I had absolutely NO colorful shoes, aside from my running shoes. I decided to fix that. The leopard wedges are from Marshall's and the turquoise flats/wedges are from Target. So far I love them both very, very much.
What I Ate
Chipotle, glorious Chipotle.
On the Shelf
I've already packed up my books, so I shot this on a trip down to Barnes & Noble this afternoon. I do love a good cookbook.
In my Bag
I felt like Ally Sheedy's character in The Breakfast Club as I was setting this all out. In no particular order, my bag contained the following: wallet, day planner, book (Ape House by Sara Gruen), my passport, a coupon for a free drink at Starbucks, my Metro Transit pass, 4 ink pens, a tube of hand lotion, a tube of blister preventing something-or-other, a tiny mini package of gummy bears that was a gift from a child on one of my flights, blotting papers, tissues, my camera case, 4 lipsticks & a lip balm, 2 Georgia State Lottery tickets redeemable for 2 free tickets, my cell phone, an eye mask, a package of bandaids, a travel brush, toothbrush & toothpaste and finally, my iPod. Holy crap. That seems like just way too much stuff.
Where I Slept
I love my bed.
What I Read
Although, "read" is being kind. I really just flipped through & looked at the pictures. I have a subscription to Marie Claire, but I don't think I'll be renewing it anymore. It's become rather disappointing. I used to always be able to count on Marie Claire to let me feel at least a little intelligent for a fashion magazine. But now it just irritates me more than entertains me.
Aaaaaand we're done. I'm off on a 3-day trip tomorrow, but I'll try to update from the road with the Pic o' the Day!