So. Black Friday. Did any of you get up super early (or just not go to bed)? I've never really gotten into the whole Black Friday melee. Mostly I think that's because I don't remember it being quite such a to-do before I became a flight attendant. And since I've become a flight attendant, I'm usually working Thanksgiving weekend, so I miss out. Last year I flew to Salt Lake City and went to the mall for lack of anything better to do and stumbled upon The Body Shop's 3 for $30 deal, which was awesome. I was pleased to see they offered it again this year (by the way, did you know that The Body Shop lets you stack coupons online? I got 10% off AND free shipping!), but I ordered online.

This year, I was on call but didn't get called out to go anywhere. I did, however, get up at 6am to walk up to Barnes & Noble when they opened at 7am. My mom has been wanting an e-reader for AGES and she recently decided she had her little heart set on a Nook. Well, B&N had them on sale In Store Only. So, I called her up on Thanksgiving and asked if that was what she wanted for Christmas. I texted my sister to see if she wanted to halfsies and she did, so yes, I was up before the sun. And really for no reason. There was hardly anyone out at that time of the morning. I was a little early, so I went to Starbucks for some coffee and meandered back. I walked into B&N at about 7:05 and I'd say I was out the door by 7:15, Nook in hand. And I was the only customer in the store. I walked through Macy's and saw maybe 2 dozen people? I stopped at Target and there were maybe 50 people milling about the store.
I went back downtown later in the afternoon to see about picking something up for my giveaway (this is post #99, y'all!) and business had definitely picked up, but I don't think it was nearly as crazy as it might have been in some of the suburbs.

And even though I was up disgustingly early (I rarely wake up before 8am unless I need to be on a plane), I still got dressed. Because it took me just as long to put on what I wore as it would have to pull on stretch pants and a sweatshirt. I even took the extra 5 minutes to put my face on because I just feel more put together when I wear make-up. I didn't bother with my hair because I let it air-dry yesterday. I have no outfit from Thanksgiving because I spent the entire day in the aforementioned stretch pants & sweatshirt. What? I had no one to impress.
I did have my long gray cardigan on over the sleeveless blouse, but when I went to edit my photos, I noticed that I had one sleeve pushed up to my elbow and one sleeve down. And it just looked wonky. Also, note my apron dragging on the floor. Stella has discovered that she can tug the magnet down. She may be adorable, but I tell you what, some days she can be a real pain the tuckus.
Tie-front bow blouse - Old Navy; Joes Jeans - Nordstrom Rack; Black pointy-toed flats - Nine West
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