Welcome to my obligatory Thanksgiving post! I could go through and list all the things I'm thankful for this year, but I'm sure my list is a lot like your list. I have great friends, a fantastic family and a kooky cat who makes me laugh. I have a job I enjoy and an apartment I love. A year ago, I started dating an incredible man who has been out in the ocean, serving our country for the last six months. He comes home in just a few weeks and I am so, so grateful for that.
And I have this blog! I've been working on this blog in earnest since last February and like I mentioned earlier, I'm nearing my 100th post! I'm really proud of myself for sticking with this, even though sometimes I'm a little light on posting. I'm still going to do a giveaway for my 100th post, but I haven't figured out what I'm going to give away yet.
I wore this a few days ago and almost wasn't going to post it because I'm wearing the same jacket I wore in the last post. But you know what? I like this jacket. So there.
Pink scarf - San Lorenzo market in Florence; Purple tweedy jacket & black legging jeans - Gap; YES concert tee - eBay; Gray boots - Madden Girl
Notice anything different in these photos? I finally got around to ordering a new pair of glasses! There was a coupon code in the back of this month's Lucky for a site called SpexClub which has since changed their name to Lookmatic. It was for 35% off a pair of glasses! Which is a pretty great deal, especially if you are blind as a bat, like me, and you have to get special thin lenses! I'm a fan of big nerdy frames and I'm pretty stoked on these. It's nice to have a pair of glasses in the right prescription for the first time in about five years.
I'm also working with new photo editing software. Up to now, I've been using Picasa, which is nice, but a little basic. I downloaded GIMP, which is a free program, but it's been a while since I've messed around with it, so excuse me if the photos look a bit wonky for a while. I'll get the hang of it!
I mentioned my kooky cat in the first paragraph. Stella is probably one of the best cats I've ever had. She's not purposely destructive (she has, however, messed up my blue chair from chasing her tail on it), she's friendly to strangers, and she loves to cuddle. She's also become rather mouthy in her old age, and isn't afraid to tell me when she's unhappy about something. While I was taking my outfit photos the other day, I started dancing by the locker where she was perched. And apparently, she didn't approve of my dancing. And because I have no shame, I'm sharing a video of it with you. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've already seen it. But it makes me laugh. And you can feel free to laugh at my dancing!
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