Not me, of course, but the Mister! If any of you know me in real life, you know I get super cheesy when it comes to talking about the Mister, but I can't help it! He's the sweetest, nicest, funniest, smartest, most handsome, sexiest man I know and I go all gooshy & goosebump-y when I think him. It was a long 7 months of being apart, but the very second he was back in front of me and I was in his arms, it was like no time had passed at all. Maybe now I can kind of understand all those people who kept telling me, "Oh, the time will just FLY by!" While time was passing, it felt agonizingly slow, but now that it is over, it was just a blip in what I'm quite confident is going to be a long, long time together.
But you don't come here to read about me get mushy about my boyfriend. You come here for style posts! I forgot to take a photo of my Homecoming day outfit on the day because I was too excited, but lucky for you, I consulted with my girls about possible outfits beforehand, so I CAN show you what I looked like!

Even though I was going to be standing on a pier in December, I wanted to wear a skirt because the Mister likes me in skirts. And this particular skirt has special sentimental value because it was the skirt I wore the first time I went to go visit the Mister after we met at a wedding. The blouse & cardigan you've seen before and the turquoise tights are new. Earlier outfit possibilities were a little more subdued, but then I decided, Hey, the Mister knows how I like to dress and he loves me the way I am, so I'm going to wear bold tights! It was a good move, I think. Please excuse the weird pose & the lack of make-up. I took these pictures at 10:30 at night the day before I was set to head to Virginia.
Leopard cardigan & white tie-front blouse - Old Navy; Pink lace skirt & turquoise tights - Target; Brown knee-high boots - MIA via 6pm.com
Because I was going to be standing on the pier, I layered the tights over a pair of nylons I had in my suitcase, though in hindsight, it might have been a better idea to layer them over the fleece-lined tights I'd also brought as a possibility. For most of the time I was standing on the pier, I was wearing my black wool coat & a bright pink scarf. That pink scarf helped me really stand out in a sea of uniforms! The Mister's mom took some photos of me all bundled up and I'll share those when I get them. I got up extra early to curl my hair because the Mister likes when my hair is down and if I'm going to wear it down, I prefer it to be curled.
They had a nice warm tent set up for the families to hang out in before the ship pulled up. I made friends with a girl whose boyfriend was also on the ship and we commiserated over the deployment and made tentative plans to double date with our handsome officer boyfriends. Finally, the ship came into view and we all bundled up and hurried out to catch our first glimpses of our sailors. There were so many cute kids and so many people were all dressed up. It was really exciting!

And even the ship got a little dressed up for the occasion! When the tugs went out to bring the ship to the pier, they brought a huge lei that was draped over the front of the ship. The tug also delivered bunches of roses & teddy bears for the sailors to give to their loved ones. And of course the Mister gave me a bouquet of gorgeous red roses! I should have brought them home to Minneapolis with me because they opened up so beautifully, but we got a late start the morning I had to leave, so they stayed in Virginia.
I have exactly two super-zoomed in and not-very-good photos of the Mister in his uniform because when he got close enough for me to take a better picture, I had completely forgotten about my camera. I had more important things to do. Like smother him with kisses! But man, he sure is dreamy in his uniform. I don't have any other outfit photos from the rest of the weekend because we spent it moving the Mister into his new apartment and I wore the same jeans & Navy hoodie (with a clean tee underneath, I swear!) both days. But he's all settled in and now I get to help him shop for a couch and decorate the place! We're not sure yet when I get to go back for my next visit, but I'm hoping it'll be early next month!