Yesterday, I had a TON of errands to run. I'm going out of town tomorrow because the Mister is FINALLY coming home and I CANNOT WAIT to see his handsome face again. Y'all, it has been seven (SEVEN!) long months that he has been gone and I am counting the hours. But, again, getting off track (can you tell I'm distracted?). When I was in Amsterdam, the weather was in the upper 40s, a little cloudy & drizzly, but decent. Yesterday in Minneapolis, it was 12 degrees. That's really, really cold. So, I wanted to be warm, but I wanted to be bright because sometimes I feel like I wear too much dark clothing in the colder months.

Floral blouse - Old Navy; Burgundy tank top - Target; Camel cords - Anthropologie via V; Brown MIA boots - 6pm.com
My list of errands involved getting an extra set of keys for my friend J to come watch Stella. I am so thankful to her for offering to check in on the baby cat because I really hate leaving her alone for long periods of time. But now J has a set of keys and she works & lives not too far from me, so she'll be able to stop in on the girl and give her some love & attention when I'm out of town.
So, I picked up the keys and delivered them to J at work and then I needed to go to Target to return some things and pick up some other things. And I stopped in at Marshalls on the way there, because, well, that's what I do. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to wear to the pier when the Mister's ship comes in, and I was hoping to find a really awesome skirt or dress, but instead I chanced upon the Sparkle Boob Sweater.
I've made mention of my magpie tendencies SEVERAL times on this blog. I just can't help it. I am drawn to the shinies of the world. And I saw this sweater, the only one of its kind, languishing on the clearance rack. It was $20. I honestly spent about ten minutes in this sweater, trying to convince myself that I didn't REALLY need a Sparkle Boob Sweater. I only took it into the dressing room for fun, but the fact that it actually totally matched what I was already wearing made me start considering it seriously.
Aside from the sequins, it is very casual. I feel like it is festive enough to wear to any holiday occasions I might attend, but it doesn't scream CHRISTMAS!!! The light colors mean I can wear it all winter & still carry it through any chilly days in the spring too. And I mean, come on. Sparkle Boobs. What's not to love?
And speaking of sparkles, today is the LAST day you can enter the GIVEAWAY!!! So head on over there & leave a comment right quick! I'm going to randomly pick a winner tonight and announce it in the morning, so go sign up!
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