Well, it's my birthday! This last year has been pretty intense and I have to say I'm glad to be moving forward. I'm not one to make an especially big deal out of my birthday. Or rather, I always think maybe I will make a big deal, but then the closer it gets to the actual day, the less amped I get.
In previous years, I've been working, so it was easier to let it slide. But this year I actually got my birthday off from work. And the Mister was supposed to be home! We still weren't going to do anything crazy, but we were going to go out to dinner and maybe find some Halloween shenanigans to get up to. But then the hurricane happened and the Mister is still stuck in Florida and he won't get back until after I've already left to go back to Minneapolis, so I won't see him until I come home again on the 8th. Bummer!
Instead, a couple of girlfriends are taking me out to dinner, so I'll get to put on a cute outfit and have a few drinks. Tomorrow morning I'm planning to make myself a special breakfast and then take a walk to Starbucks to enjoy my birthday drink (I'm thinking a Salted Caramel Mocha!) and get started on my NaNoWriMo novel! I wish the Mister were here, but I know at least I can look forward to a delivery of flowers because the Mister ALWAYS sends flowers because he is awesome like that.
And since I am now every second closer to turning 30, here is my finalized 30 Before 30 List!
2. Get SCUBA certified
3. Go Skiing
4. Go Camping
5. Make croissants from scratch
6. Knit a sweater (made a tiny sweater for a friend's new baby!)
7. Pay off my consumer credit debt (The Mister & I both took care of this one!)
8. Run a marathon
9. Get married! (06/01/2013)
10. Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
11. Read Anna Karenina
12. Get a bikini wax (did this for my wedding, but forgot to write about it)
13. Be able to do one pull up
14. Donate my hair to Locks of Love (10/31/13 Actually donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths!)
15. Participate in a CSA (05/19/13)
16. Take a class in something, maybe dance? (I started doing a free Zumba class every Thursday!)
17. Take at least one photo every day
18. Visit Julia Child's kitchen at the Smithsonian in DC (05/16/13)
19. Bake bread (02/08/13)
20. Join a book club
21. Visit a new continent
22. Make a souffle
23. Do 100 consecutive push-ups!
24. Grow an herb garden
25. Meet an Internet friend in real life
26. Participate in a Color Run
27. Watch The Godfather (I've honestly never seen it!)
28. Read (or re-read) the top 25 Best Novels
29. Go berry picking (I haven't done this since I was a wee little Sarah!) (10/18/13)
30.Attempt surfing
So there you have it! That's all the things that will be keeping me busy in the next year!
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